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 Wingenback considers  environmental  protection  to be an important  and integral part of conducting  business.  One of Wingenback' s guiding principles  states:  "We are careful to take the environment  into consideration  in our decision  making."


Wingenback's Environmental Policy is to:


  • minimize hazards  to public  health,
  • protect the environment from adverse  effects of construction  operations,
  • comply with all legislated standards  and regulations,
  • assess potential environmental   risks,
  • evaluate and monitor environmental  performance  to applicable  standards,  work with industry,  government,  and workers  to maintain  environmental  awareness,  and
  • maintain effective  reporting  to authorities.


Additionally, on large, complex  projects  of substantial  duration  and on projects  with known  environmental   contaminants, Wingenback's policy  is to:


  • appoint an environmental designate,
  • provide education  to participating  personnel,  thus enabling  them to understand  and share in the responsibility for monitoring  and protecting  the environment,
  • maintain an effective  reporting  and communications system,  and
  • develop a project environmental action plan commensurate  with company  standards and regulatory/client requirements